One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® Indoor Air Quality experts can convert your heating and cooling system into a whole-house Air Treatment Center. To control these pollutants that are injurious to your health, advanced air cleaning systems like the MicroPower Guard ® are designed to remove the smallest particles from the air; while the OxyQuantum ® UV lights will control both the germs and gasses in your home. As an example, particles that are 5 microns or smaller will pass through your lungs as you breathe, while 98% of all air particles are less than 1 micron. And, the smaller the particle, the greater the health hazard. Store bought filters cannot remove these smallest of allergens and have no capability of having any effect on germs and gasses.
The EPA recommends that you have your air ducts, heating and cooling systems inspected first by a professional heating and cooling contractor. If your One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® technician discovers that your air ducts have substantial visible mold, dust, dirt, and other contaminants or a musty odor, they may recommend duct cleaning. This is especially important if someone in your household suffers from asthma, allergies, or other symptoms that may be related to indoor air pollution. Although duct cleaning alone has never been shown to actually prevent health problems, it is an important step in a whole-house air cleaning strategy. The One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® technician can perform ductwork installation to meet your system requirements.
Much of the dirt and dust that accumulates in the ducts adheres to the duct surfaces and to the furnace and air conditioning components. This does not mean that it necessarily becomes airborne and enters our breathing space. However, this accumulation is a perfect breeding ground for mold, bacteria, and other fungi that are definite sources of indoor air pollution. It also reduces the efficiency of your heating and cooling system.
At One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning®, we can share with you your whole house Air Treatment Center options to clean, disinfect and deodorize the air in your home 24 hours a day, naturally and without chemicals; then you can decide which best fits your concerns and needs.